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Join us in Jackson February 3 - 7th, 2025

Arts Day at the Capitol & the Governor's Arts Awards have combined
with other arts events to become Mississippi Arts WEEK!

Join artists and arts organizations across the state of Mississippi as we gather in Jackson throughout Arts Week to raise our voices together in support of funding for the arts.  Events including the Governor's Arts Awards, Arts Day at the Capitol, press conferences, lawn parties, Breakfast of Champions, networking and performances,  photos with your legislators, special speakers, and training on how to make your voice heard at the capitol...ALL WEEK LONG!


Raise your voices for the arts by showing up and letting our elected officials know that you support FUNDING for the arts in Mississippi! You are encouraged to make appointments with your legislators to tell YOUR story about what the arts have meant to you and your community!  Visit our Legislative Visits page where you can find resources and downloads to learn more about how to lend your voice! 


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